E R I C A tiaraeflora.
C H A R A C T E R S P E C X E I C Ü S.
ERICA, anthcris miniéis, exsertis; floribus ccrnuiSj
tiara1 form ¡bus, a calyee fere contectia;
foiiis tcrnis, obtusis, lincaribus, rigidis.
CAULIS fruticosus, ercctus, sub-sosi|uipcdalis,
ramosus ; rami terni, patentes, erecti.
FOLIA te-mu, obtusa, linearía, rígida, ereclopateulia.
FLORES in ramulis terminales, sub-terni, ecrnui
; pedunculí longi, bracteis tribus spatbulatis
C A L Y X . Perianthium tetraphyllum; foliolia
lato-ovatis, ápice coloratis, incurvatis.
COROLLA tiaraTormis, ápice inca mata, ad
basin albida ; laciniis minirtis, obtusis, erectis.
STAMINA. Filamenta octo capillaria; authera?
mutua-, exerta?.
PISTILLI"M, Germen tiarteforme, Stylua filiformis.
Stigma tetragonimi.
Habitat ad Caput Borne Spei.
Flore! a men se Maio in Julium.
t. Folium,
g. Calyx et Corolla, lente aucti.
3. Corolla.
A. Eadem lente ancla.
5. Anthera una lente amia.
HEATH, with beardless lips without the blossom ;
Bowers nodding, turban-shaped, and nearh hid
b\ the empalement ; leaves by threes, blunt,
linear, and harsh.
D E S C R I P T I O N ;
STEM shrubby, upright, near a foot and .1
half high, and branching ; branches b\ threes,
spreading, and upright.
LEAVES by threes, blunt, linear, harsh, up
right, and spreading.
FLOWERS terminate the branches by threes,
nodding; footstalks long, and furnished with
three spathula-shaped floral leaves,
EMPALEMENT. Cup four-leaved; the leaflets
are broadh egg-shaped, coloured at the ends,
and turned inwards.
BLOSSOM turban-shaped, flesh-coloured at the
ends, and whitish at the base ; the segments of
the border are very small, blunt, and upright.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless,
and without the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-bud turban-shaped. Shalt
thread-shaped. Summit four-cornered.
Native o f the Cape of Good Hope.
Flowers from the month o f May till July.
1. A Leaf.
•2. T h e Empalement and Blossom magnified
3. A Blossom.
'1. The same magnified.
5. A Chive magnified.
C. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified.
7, Seed-bud magnified,