E R I C A áspera.
E R I C A , aulheris nmticis, iaclusU ; corollis tubulato
ventricosis, setis densissime circumsessis, hitéis
; foliis quaternis, rigidis, aculeatia.
D I . S C R I P T I 0 .
C A U L I S ercrtus, bi pedal is Rami paiici ; ramtili
iiumcrosi, simplices.
F O L I A quatcrna, lanceolala, aculeata. sublus
sulco exarala, peliolis adpressis.
F L O R E S in rainulis terminales, umliellaii. terni
vel seni, eer nui ; pedunculi bravissimo bracteis
tribus, hùpidiSj subulatis, adpressis.
C A L Y X tetrapbvllum ; foliolia hispidis, canaliculars,
ConoLL* tiibulato-ventricosa, setis deii'k-ime
eireumsessa, polliearia, ore obsolete quadrifida.
S T A M IN A. Fi lamenta otto, ca p i l l aria ; au t hern?
mutica?, inclusoe.
PisTlLLiM. Genneii tiaraforme, iillosuin. albicans.
Stylus lilit'oniiis. Stigma telragoninn.
Habitat ad Caput Bona Spei.
Floret a inensc Oitobris in Febriiariuni.
J. Folium lente auctum.
2. Pagina inferior folii lente aucta.
3 . Calyx lente auctiis.
4. Stamina diducta, antherâ unicà lente auctâ.
5. G er men et Pislilluin, stigmate lente aiitto
6. Gernien lente auction
H E A T H , with beardless tips, within the blossoms,
which are o f an inflated tubular shape, closely
beset with bristles, and of a y e l l ow colour; leaves
by fours, harsh, and prickly.
S T EM upright, two feet h i g h ; branches few,
the small branches arc numerous and simple.
LEAVES grow by fours, are lance-shaped,
prickly, and deeply furrowed beneath, foot-stalks
pressed to the stem.
FLOWERS terminate the small branches in umbels
of from three to six, nodding; peduncles
very short, furnished with three floral leaves,
hispid, awl-shaped, and pressed to the cup.
E M P A L E M E N T four-leaved ; the leaflets arc hispid,
channelled, and lance-shaped.
BLOSSOM of an inflated tubular form, closely
beset with bristles, an inch l o n g ; the mouth is
slightly divided into four segments.
CHIVES. Eight hair-like threads; tips beardless,
and within the blossom.
POINTAL. Seed-vessel turban-sbaped, hairy,
and whitish. Shaft thread-shaped. Summit
Native o f the Cape o f Good Hope,
Flowers from October till February.
1. A Leaf magnified.
2. The under side of a leaf magnified.
3. The Empalement magnified.
i. The Chives detached, one tip magnified.
5. Seed-bud and Pointal, summit magnified.
6. Seed-bud magnified