ERICA Manda.
ERICA, antheris exertis, basi bicornibus; rloribus
lerminalibus, confertis, umbcllatis; corollis subcylindricis,
incarnatis ; foliis senis, obtusis, confertis,
D E S C R I P T I O .
C A L L I S fruticosus, spithamseus, teres; rami
numeroai, recurvato-adscendentes.
FOLIA plerumquc sena, linearía, obtusa, aspcriuscnla,
basi recúrvala, ápice adscendeutia,
peliolis longis, adpressis.
FI.ORKS numerosi, terminales, umbellati, horizontalitcr
s i t i ; pedunculi longi, colorati.
CALYX. Pcrianthium tetraphyllum ; foliolis
subulatis, carinatis, adpressis.
C O R O L L A sub-cylindrica, incarnala, la?viter
tomentosa, latiniis aiqualibus, erect is.
S T A M I N A . Filainenta oeto eapillaria; anther
a; exerts, basi bicornes,
P I S T I L L L M. Germen tiam'forme, .sulcatum.
Stvlus evcrtus. Stigma cuiarginatuní, coiicavum.
Habitat ad Caput liona; Spei.
Floret a mense Aprihs iti Septcmbrem.
I . Calyx.
'2. ídem lente auctus.
3. Stamina a Pistillo diducta; anthera una
lente auctá.
4. Germen el Pistillum, stigmatc lente aucto.
5. Germen lente auctum.
H E A T H , with tips two-horned at their base, and
without the blossom ; flowers terminal in crowded
bunches; blossom nearly cylindrical, and fleshcoloured
; leaves by sixes, obtuse, crowded, and
S T EM shrubln. a span high, round; branches
numerous bending downwards, and ascending.
LEAVES mostly by sixes, linear, obtuse, and
roughish, bent downwards at the base, with ascending
points; footstalks long, and pressed to
the blossom.
F L O W E R S numerous, in terminal bunches, in
a horizontal direction; footstalks long, and
E M P A L E M L N T . Cup four-leaved; leaflets awlshaped,
keeled, and pressed to the blossom.
BLOSSOM nearly cylindrical, flesh-coloured,
slightly d o w n y ; the segments of the border are
equal, and upright.
C H I V E S . Eight hair-like threads; tips without
the blossom, and two-homed at their base.
P O I N T A L . Seed-bud turban-shaped, furrowed.
Shaft without. Summit bordered, and hollow
Native of the Cape o f Good Hope.
Flowers from April till September.
1. The Empalement.
y. The same magnified.
3. The Chives detached from the Pointal.
summit magnified.
4. Seed-bud and Pointal magnified
I .0. Seed-bud magnified.