I j i A P F E NT V I X,
ccxxr. ——- . ~
H E L V E L L A.
HELVELLA- acMlis, gelatimfo-cvriace ruga/a refupiriata] fupr®
Jpangiofo-viUofo eineria, infra 'hebis vkiacea-. Dickfon Grypt»
Faf. i. P. 20. Auricularia tramelloides. Bulliard Texle*
P . 278. iVo, 1. Mich. Gen. 124. Agaricus mefentericus
violaceo cvlori-s. Ray Syn . 22.
THE fpeeimens now before me, I- have gathered from the
fmooth furface of an aih tree ftump, -from which the-tree
.had been fawn off the preceding year. .
The plant makes its fir ft appearance in clufters, or fingle
pieces, of a gelatinous half-tranlp.irant fubftance, and- a.dull dark
violet colour, as at A. B. G. - Thefe, in time, open at the top or
fide, unfold, and turn iniide out. In the progrefs of growth it
increafes, expands, and affumes various ihapes j it becomes earihaped,
cupped, halved, imbricated, lobed, or irregularly gaihed
:in at the margin.
The inner furface, now become the outer, is thickly coveredwith
an hairy ihag, of an ochre colour, or gray, and marked
with concentric cireles of a • darker colour. The outlide. ftill remains
fmooth, and of the fame violet colour; it is a little wrinkled,
but wants the cells, which diftinguifh B u l l i a r d ' s fpeeimens.