A P P E N D I X , ?79
LYCOPERDON volvaceum prima cetate fubterraneum. Bulliard CCXXVIII.
Texte, P. 16o. No. 1 o. Geajier major umbilico jimbriato. jieliatutii.
Mich.„Gen. P. 220. Lycoperdon flellatum. • Schcef. Fung.
P. i%6. No. 27a. Ray Syn. P. 27. Nqi.it.
fir ft appearance ef this; Lycopejjdon is; a round ball,
A riilng: out of the earth; the yolva or outer covering of which
divides and opens- in feveral-petal like fegment-s,. which give it a
flower-like appearance; within: is: a gltobular Lycoperdon, feifile
at the opening of the vb£v,a, but. afterwards, rifes;>1 and is fupported
on a ihort fterii.
The fegments of the volva are-of a thick flefliy fitbftance, and?
a, duiky brow?!,. except the margined,. which, are thin, "and- of a?
paler colour; they are not: equal in lize. or fhapo-, feme: berrrgr.
broader, fome narrower, fome fubdivided, and their number is
The central -globe, or head, is at firft furrounded by a thin netted
covering-; pf> a; bluiih- brown* colirars, wfeiclr falls ofP aiid
•yanifhes j. ufter- which, the capitulum or central" globe breaks'at.
the fummit, and difcharges|'a duft like the other Lycoperdons J
ilaiscidv. tuiins to as dirty*brown,
and ifpottp eriihe-s .-
Crows on the borders of SivaitTs-Moor, near Halifax, but is
¡rare there.
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