168 A P P 1 D I X.
BOLETUS coriaceo perennisfubjiipitatus, pUeo Mongo tcnuïfublaterito,
tubis bre-viffimis, ports minutis rotundijV Boletus
calceolus, Far. Bulliard, texte, P. 338; No. 21.
T A Bj cr.xv*iir. ..
jV/fOST fpecimens of this Boletus, which have fallen under my
notice, were furniihed with a lateral footftalk, of an hard
tough fubftance; in fome, however, it is very ihort, and thé
plant may be faid in thefe to want it.
The pileus, or rather the body of the plant, is of an oval or
oblong ihape, as reprefented on the plate.
The fubftance is dry, tough, leathery, and white within ; the
upper as well as under furface, while the plant is young, are alfo
white or milk-coloured. When of age changes to a reddiih
brown, and, at laft, to a fufcous black on the upper fide.
The tubes adhere together, by their fides ; a portion of them
and oi the pores, is a little magnified on the plate.
Since engraving the plate, I have found an old fpecimen very
rough on the furface, fomewhat. ihaggy and teflilated, with ihort
irregular furrows j is as firm and hard, almoft, as wood
I gathered it from the ftump of an elder,tree, near Shibden-