x x i v I N T R O D U C T I O N .
Tab. 53. Agaricus ciliaris. Since the publication of this, I find that
what I took for hairs on the margin were not fixch, for, on examining
other fpecimens afterwards, under the fame appearance, I found, by means
of a fpy-glafs, that the ciliation did not conlift of hairs, but of the black
feeds of the plant, which had ilid down from the gills, by means of a
glutin, in which they were fufpended, in an-even line, all round the extreme
veige of the p ileus. I was ...led to this dii'covery, by finding the
plant frequently without the ciliation, and but very rarely with it.
Tab. 45. Agaricus ftriatus. I have reafons, drawn from obfervations
lately made, to fuppofe that" the fmall plant, with grains on the furface,
figured on this plate, is a proper fpecies, diftinâ from the Agaricus Jlriatus!
Tab. 72. Boktus albus. Since the drawing of that figure, I find that
the red colour on the bafe, and the curling of the margin, are ¿ircumiïances
almoft peculiár to the young plant ¡ for at its full growth the red
nearly vaniihes, and, as the margin extends-, it becomes more fmooth and
entire. The pores'are fèmetimes- gently tinged with red. I make' no -
doubt of its- being the;.fame fpecies with BULLÍARD'S: Boletus fdicinus\
K-433- Fig- i- .
Tab. 122. Sphoeriâ bombariica. In the place, "where this plant takes
root, it continues for a fucceffion of fcafons. The firft winter forms a Angle
ftratum, fucceeding feafoñs form others upon that, till it becomes aggregate.
In the firft ftate, I defcribed and figured it ; I believe that'
L I G H T F O O T and REI . I IAN faw it in the laft.
Tab. Ï29. Sfboeria digit at a'. Some of my botanical acquaintance, do
not agree with me in fuppofing the Spboeria digitata and hypaxylon to be
varieties of the fame fpecies ; and I have received fpecimens of a ihape
different" from anyofthofe reprefented on my plate. ; T h e plant is a- perfect
proteus ; and I have not been able, after the ítriéteft inquiry, to difcover
any certain criterion of diftinftion between the two fuppofed fpecies..
Confult SCHOEFFER, Tab. 328. and' BULLIARD, PL. 440. Fíg. 1 . Both
: ! which
I N T R O D U C T I O N. M
which figures, I think, are in a middle,ftate partaking equally of the one
and of the other.
I would be'underftood at all times, to fuppofe, that the figures given
by authors, are faithful copies, drawn with proper care, : from the objedt
prefent, and in a freih ftate at the time of drawing :;—Ivi ine are fo. I
have endeavoured' to irnfiate every objeét juft as I found it, not daring to
make any alterations for the fake of beauty or of elegance. It is not improbable)
hut thefe plants may vary in point of fizef'fmoothnefs, brightnefs
of colour, &c. in proportion to the warmth1 and richnefs of the foil
and climate where they grow ; he who collates my figures, with the glowing
tints'beftowed on thofe of SCHOEFFER, or with the - plump and rich
appearancc of moft of thofebf BÌ; I .LIARD, may form to himfelf an idea
of great differente obtaining, between the. cold barren mountains of Torkfhitfe,
and the rich and fertile woods of Bavaria, or the delicious fields of
France« -
The ingenious Monfieur BCJLLIARD has now- nearly compleated that
.part of his . elegant work,-, which treats of the Fungufles of Frcince. It
confifts of about: three hundred plates, with figures illuminated ; in the
fmallcr fubjects leverai are figured on one platej in the larger only one;
both in the onqiand in the other, many varieties are figured on feparate:
plates, and are: confidered as fpecies..
He has formed a new Genera Fungorum, which, as it has not yet fallen
into the' handilof many of my countrymen, I hope they will not be difpleafed
to- fee the order in which he has arranged them, together with the
properties and characters which conftitute. each genus.
He divides .the whole into four general orders ; the firft order includes
all- fuch as, generate, feed's within, the fubftance of their own, fleih., and contains
ten "genera, viz. Tuber, Reticularia, Mucor, Trichia, Sphaerocarpus,
Lycoperdon, Nidularia, Hypoxylon, Veriolaria, and Clathrus.
- The fécond order contains two genera, viz. Clavaria and Tremella.
The third divifion or order contains alfo two, viz. Peziza. and. Phallus..