A P P E N D I X. 139
AGARICUS jlipitatus pileo, palMe-rubro, fuperfice puftulato CLXXVir.
plijiulis fubangulatis apicibus fufci^ veto alio permenere, • myodn.
jiipite hrevi, baji crajjiufculo fubrubro. Schczf. P. 69. No.
149. Battarra, P. 28. B.
A-pHE root is grofs, and has a kind of broken annular wrin-
J- kles; it is of a firm folid fubftance, white, of ,a pale fleih
colour on the outiide, furniihed with brown fibres, and deilitute
of volva.
The ftem is ihort, upright, round and folid,. white within,
and of a; fpongy fubftance.
The gills are White, foft, very delicate, of an oblong figure,
and adhere by a fmall claw to the top of the ftem.
The pileus is convex; the margin infie&ed, fmooth and entire;
the furface covered with angular warts, of various fides,
which are of the fame red colour as the pileus, Sexcept: the fummits,
which are duiky; the internal fubftance is brittle, fpongy
and white.
This fpecies I gathered in a dry gravelly foil, near Lee-Bridget
June~the iath, 1790.