146 A P P E -W; D I X.
CXCIV. AGARICUS Jìipitatus, pileo centro plano, cinereo margine fornitarnofus.
cuto violaceo, lameliis pallidis angujìis decurrentibus, Jìipite
f - p H E root is hard, toiigh, and furniihed with ihort downy
•*• fibres.
The item is very ihort, increafing in thicknefs froth the bottom
upwards. There is .no curtain.
The gills are in three feries, veiy narrow, as at B. numerous,
of a pale kind-of buff-colour, and decurrent.
The pileus is flat or hollowed, convex or funnel-ihaped, according
to the age of the Plant, as at A. B. C. E. F. It is fometimes
halved or defective on one fide, as a tD. The furface is
fmooth and foft, feels 'to the touch like fine woollen cloth;; is of
a pale browniih afh colour, in the middle part ; "which colour is
loft in a pale violet hue at the rim, which is remarkably rolled
in. . The fubftance of the flefh is white, very firm and folid.
Grew on ftumps of trees in NortBowram, in Auguft, 1791 ;
elfewhere I have not feen it. I find no figure or defcription
which well agrees with this fpecies.