A P P E N D I X ,
AGARICUS fubjlipifatus, fitieo pldriiufculo lacero multiformi e'er- ccv*
[vino, margihe erinato,, lamellis trijidis pallidis fubcrenatis, fitelUformn,
Jiipite brevi five nulla'. Agitricus jlabelliformis. §chcef.
P. 20. No. 38.
T g|;
TT7IIKN the plant grows lingle, it adheres by a very ihort
* * . lniall lateral ftem; when it grows in bundles, fcveral
plants iiTue from one hard misihapen root, without any vilible
The gills are arranged, in three feries; they are long, moderately
broadfitough, flexible, and of a pale buff colour; in old
plants they become' darker; coloured,' and fometimes diilinctly
•dented or crenated on the edgq^H
The pileus is circular, except the defedtive fide; the margin
dented, curled, and undulated, lacerating in decay; it is of a
tough fubftance, dcflitutc of fleih, of a fmooth vellumy furface,
and of a bright brown, or red deer colour; darkeft near- the defeciiv^
iidci . A i
The fpecimens before me, grew on the fide of an old tree,
befide the brook below Mixenden-Mill, in February^ ijggv
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