A P P E N D I X. 145
AGARICUS jlipitatus, pUeo ^b initio planiufculo, poft infundí- cxcill.
buliformi. Stipite bajin verfus craJJiufculo. Radice fibrofo. cyathoides.
Agarkus cyatboides.. Bulliard, Multiformis. Bckcef. P . 9. No. 14.
T A B. ... CXhV.
' " p H E root is large, covcrcd with a white mouldy down, and
JL , emits numerous long, , hard, white fibres; it fupports a Angle
plant»' but fometimcs' feveral grow in- clofe .neighbourhood,,
and are entangled together by thofe fibres.
The item is1 folid, confuting of a ftrong bark.or rind, filled
with a foft, fpongy,' white pith; it is of a grayiffi white on the
outfide, and; .marked with a kind of fmall longitudinal reticulations
of a paler colour.
The gills are arranged in three feries; white in the firft ftages
of the'plant, changing afterwards to a pale brown; :
The pileus at firft fmall and horizontal, it increafes greatly in
the progrefs of growth, becomes cup-ihaped, and in fome fpecimens
contrads its. margin at one or more places, fo as. to formfeveral
partial cups j it is nearly deftitute of fleih, is of a-pleaumber
brown 011 the furface, Imooth and filky to the touch.
Grew under an old melon frame, in Mrs. CAYGILL' S Garden,
at Sha, near Halifax, in February, 1790.