ÏS2 A P P E N D I X.
ecxxxr. SPfi&Rl^. coriaceo rarnofo fulvo, in ramos fukdivifus efpanjhs*
riccia dia.
T A B . ci.xxxir.
'T^HIS curious kittle plant I gathered on the branches, of fallow
and haile trees, ,.when advanced in- a fiate of decay, fo far as
to be eaiily compreifible between the „fingers. From" a centre it
ihoots out, into a circular figure, numerous fimple, bifidY or trifid
branches, of a tough, hard,'ànd-leathery fubftance, òfàfyJèSus
brown or ftrong orange ccjloùri* on theóutfidè, and having a gentle
afperity to -die touch. The internal fubfiunce is white, ancf
firm. - When the plants become old, they' are "covered with a
green ilh powder, particularly near the fcentre, '
The feed-yeflels are fmall, not vifible to the naked eye ; they
are lodged clofè under thè bark, ajidsmake prominent tubercles oil
its furface, vifible when a little rpagnified.
The entire figures are the natural five of the plant, and fhew
its manner o£ growing on larger òr Îïnaller pieces^bÇ' wood.' p | |
feparate figure,''oh'the right fiandl ïhëws. t>ne of thç'branches'
taken off and- a little magnified £;from the fùrface òf whichV a
fmall portion is' cut off, and further magnified, in the Igwer figure.
The plant adheres7 firmly to'the Wood j Kjr'thè whole breadth of .'its
underfidel' On opening "the 'feedrVefiels of young plants^, r.fQiind;'
them full of-a white "^elly ; thofe of the old ëoiïtained btown
globular feeds, or were empty.
I found-this plant on dead hranghe?., clofe by thç-brpok^below-
Ramfden-lVood, in'February/* i%o . '
F I N I S .