W - A P P E N D I x.
CCXIV. BOLETUS crujlaceus perennis mutabilis poris. periturus .—-Boletus
tnleus- ccllulojus.: Flo. Dan. Faf. p-, a.
T A. B. . .CÍ.XVI.
' ' p H I S plant I have obferved in its Various ílate and ñafies, for
a i'ucc cííion of years, but never had the good fortune to' discover
its falsification till February, 1790, when I found it onfallen
boughs of the birds' cherry tree, which lay in the damp
part of a wood, under putrid grafsand weeds..
The plant in its firft ft age, appears to be a White byiTus, inereaiing
in breadth, by ihooting white, foft, downy filaments'- '
from the margin, till it has attained its breadth, when it elofés its
margin, as at a; and has then the appearance df a piece of thin "
white, foft lamb's fkin, full of pores with fhort tubes, or rather
of deep cells, which are fee» magnified, while in a frefh ílate at:
1 After lying by me, on the table, for a little while, it íhrúnk
in íubítance, and the pores then appeared contracted, is in,
figure c. In this ftate it much refcmblds the Mferula crifpata..
Flo. D<zfi¿% Fai? 12. P. q.. . : ,
After the difappearance of thefc pores, the plant continues' to
grow in firmnefs and thicknefs.; the margin becomes lobed and
crenated, the furface leathery and fmoóth, but fometimes teffilatfedi'
with irregcilar finufs or ¿racks., as-Me; by this time; the mamin
begins to feparate frorti the wood, and the colour of the furfacechanges
from white to pale brown, when it greatly refembles the
Auricula corticalis of BULLIARD at laft it changes to a dark
fufcous brown, as at d-, becomes dry, hafd, and brittle j themargin
is more eminently raifed, and the underiide marked'with
black circles j it remains for a long time,' and at laft turns black
and moulders.