I I I N T R O D U C T I O N .
of that corifufion of names, which is every day increafing, and which cannot
eafily be removed; efpecially in regard to the plants of this order. To
attempt it at prefent, would be in vain, becaufe the inveftigation of them
is a branch of fcience now cultivated, with fpirit in feveral partsof Europe;
and the field for new difcoveries, is ftill fo ample and fo rich, that every
new feafon deepens the columns of our former lifts, and makes continual
additions to that flock, which does not perhaps yet exhibit more than one
fifth part, of the objects that muft be inveftigated, before mankind can be
pofleifed of a complete nomenclature.
Some of the Fungi are greatly efteemed for their excellent flavour ; either
eaten alone, or prepared in fauces; 'tis faid, that in fome parts of Ruflia
they are eaten indifcriminally; though HALLER feems to condemn the
ufe of them as efculants ; being of a pernicious and dangerous nature.
That they are poireifed of powerful qualities, is manifeft; but we are in a
great meafure ignorant of the nature of thofe qualities; fome of them are
known to be poifonous, are they hence to be difregarded ? Are not .many of
the moft valuable articles in the materia medica alio poifonous ? and yet are
pofTeffed of principals: highly beneficial to. mankind. Who can fay that
thefe are not rich in qualities, equally ufeful, were they fcientifically-inveftigated,
and univerfally known: a knowledge of the-ufe they, might be applied
to, and the manner of applying them, muft be the refults of ^experiments
to be made; perhaps by the induftry of a future age. But neither
in thefe, nor in any Other clafs of bodies, can their qualities be. properly
inveftigated, until the fpecies of fuch bodies.be afcertained. The firft of
thefe improvements may be referved to a future generation; the laft fecms,
appropriated .to this.
-Stannary, near Halifax,
.December 5], 179*;.' .