I 5 0 A P P EV/N D I X.
CXCVIir. AGARICUS Jlipitatus, pileo convexo rufo, lamellis trifldis remotis
tinnamoneus. concoloriius, Jìipite cilindrico flavo. Agaricus cinnamoneus.
Sp. PL 1642. Hudfon Ang, 6x5. No. 10. Agaricus croceus,
• Schcef. P. 3. No. 4.
~ T A B. CL.
O p HE root is round, of k hard tough fubftance, and furnifhed
with ihort brown fibres, ~
The item is cylindrical, of adulfcy gold colour, and hollow
within ; it eaiily fplits in yellow filaments,- and varies in height
from two to four inches.
The gills are in three fexiés?;! the bafe very broad, rounded off,
and not adhering to the item; they are remote, narrow towards
the point, and of a ftrong golden red.
The pileus is at fir ft hemifpherical, a little elevated in the
centre j when full grown becomes nearly flat, thè rim fmooth and
acute; the colour a dark browifh red or ftrong cinnamon • the
furface appears filky, is fmooth and dry.
Grows in woods about Halifax, but is rare7.
I believe this plant to be the true Agaricus cinnamoneus of
LINNAEUS,; and it fcems fpecifically diftinét from my cinnamoneus,
T. 22. I had not feen this fpecies when 1 gave the
name to that ; and as that does not materially differ from the cinnamoneus,
I would call it pfeudo-cinnamoneus for the future.