A ? P E K D I X.
BOLETUS csriaeeus tewfo ém¿ta*ué fupm lanam %onatus
mc varkgms, tubk dxed&kis JUmtHo -ciñereis-. Bulhard
, P- J65. 2Vtf«43-
O N E - C O L O U R E D BO L E T U S .
q p H I S is rnoft generally halved, and adhering by one fide; but
A í'ometimes the bafé is lengthened out into a kind of fpurious
footftalk, as is rcprefented in one of the lower figures on the
plate. The upper furface is covered with a clofe pile, or hairynap,
of a browniih buff-colour, and marked .with zones "or-circles'
of the fame colour, a little darker. The margin is acute,
•varioufly waved and lobed, and the plants fometimes lie over one
another in imbricated order. ;
l i r e internal fiibitance is thin, white, tough, and leather}'.
The lower furface is plain, or vfry little canvp^, while young
cream-coloured, changing with age to a browniih aih colour.
The tubes are very fliqrt, adhering together by their fides, and
inseparable from the fleih of the pileus. The pores are very (mail
and of various figures; thofe towards the bafc, in the fpecimen
before me, are larger, oblong, or angular, thofe near the margin
«re round and very minute.
T h i s is; the plañC^Mch Mta» foj-nieiiy fu^pofed tp be the
female or feeding fpecimen of my Boletus auriforrnis. But as
the two are placed in difierSnt genera by Monfieur But. m a r » , I
do not at prefent infift upon it, I drop this hint, that the fuppoiition
may be confirmed or confuted by the obiervations of others.
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