X1 í N T l( Ó D* Ü c T r O N ;
G E N t f S 1 XIX. • - B O L 3 T B S .
A Fungus, expanded, on the under fide-, i®to> pores'- ©r findfitnbes,
joined together, and bearing feeds. Tfoefe tubes or- fofg® foretimes, feen*
only pafted to the flefh, at others they are united with, and are, fecmmgly
a prolongation of it.
Nature itfelf indicates a double divifion of the Boleti. The firft divifion
includes thofe with tubes or pores, f© loofeLy adhering, to- the flfefh,' as.
to be eaiily feparated from it. The feeond includes thofe with: tubes or
pores, proceeding from, the. flefh itfelf, or cohering, yery clofely with it.
In the general index, annexed to this appendix, I -have not been under
a- neceffity of colle&ing together the fynonyma of authors,., as- % y are-,
given at the head of the defcriptions of the fpecies refpeffively. The references
in this index are .directed chiefly to the beft figures given by
authors of good repute, if I have taken the liberty-of citing leveral ot
their figures and names under one fpecies, it has not been done, but where
I have myfelfi feen the plant under "notice putting on, m feme of its ftates,
or ftages, an appearance well igreeing with the", figures- and. defcriptions
given of fiich" varieties, (if I may be allowed to call them fo-] IcouM;.
produce many inftances to illuftrate my prefent meaning, but one: flail
In- S C H O E F F E R ' S - Hiftory of Funguffea, Tab. 105, is the figure of a
plant he calls Boletus olivaeeus, Tab. 1 1 B o l e t u s eraffipes. Tab. 126.
Beletus ferrugineus. Tab. 130, Boletus appendicular.
letus cypreus. Tab. 134 and 135, Boletus bulbofixs, and Tab 3151
Boletus terreus. I am well convinced, from; obfervation, that the figures
on the above eight plates, were all taken from one individual fpeciesy the
common yellow Boletus. I will not pofitively afftert that they are fo but
I am fure that fpecimens, fufficiently agreeing with all thefe figures, haw
at various times, fallen under my notice.. I have gathered them, examined
them, and paifed them by as varieties of the Boletus luteus* and yet
1 -' — r \ SC M O E ' E I ' E R
I N- T R O D U C T í O N. xl i
SCHOEFFER has avoided giving, that'namc to any one of them. Many
like inftances might be pointed out in SCHOE^EER'S work, and not in that
I always had, and ftill have, an avérfion to the unneceffiuy multiplying
of fpecific names in our botanic nomenclature; and there is-no order of
plants.,, where we' are fo liable to flip into errors 'of that kind, as m the
Funguffes. ./.
There is^a pride in man, to be thought the inventor- or difcoverer of
fomething few. In regard to. things, ulcful, this; is a .laudable vanity ;
but to add a new name to a. known plant,. or other fub|eft an Natural
Hiftory, becaufe we meet" with an individual perhaps diftorted m its fhape,
diminifhed or increafed in its quantity, fickened by improper food_ or foil,
or tkged With coiourS different from thofe of its own fpecies, this is not
only' vain and ridiculous in itfelf, but pernicious in its confcquences. It is
not, however, at all times to be guarded againft, without a Long acquaintance''.
with the. fubieas undref notice,. e'fpecia%. where their fpécific characters
are • lefs: defined and'lefs obvious, ás1 is th^fcaie with moft of the plants
wheh conftitute the moft numerous anil extenfi-ve clafs, the Cryptogamis.
' The. incongruity of names, given to thefc and other fubje.<Ss in Natural
Hiftory, i's a fhimbJ'ing block in the way of fiience; it is an evil, however, .
that muft at prefent be dílpénfed Hvifh, becaufe it is an unavoidable one ;
for when federal; mciv, ftran^lf's'to each other, and in different kingdoms,
are engaged in the feme purfiiit; fiippofc.the fame objeel ihould fall into
the;hands a#i i ch, and fuppofe thpobjea unknown t o | f them_; ^ each
finds it neccffary to give it a name., at leaft a fpecific: one'; and' he Wifhes to
givq it fuch an one, -ais w i l l be fomeway;or ;6thefvexpreifive of the objedt
Under review; this will be given according to his own idea, or apprehenfioii
both of the object, and of the ham|f. But men's ideas and apprehenfions
vary as much as their faces vary, fo that under the above circumftances,
if the fame óbj,e<ÍL ihould fall-under the notice of twerity different defenbers'or
difcoverers, that five, out of the twenty ffiould denominate it by the
feif fame term, is little lefs than impofliblc. This is the principal caufe