a f p m mm d i x.
BOLETUS acaulis coriaetoxonyexus vellofus albus, pons cliff or,«
mibus rotundisgjlexuojiffue. Flo. fuecica, 1253. Sp. -P/,
1645. Scbeef, P. 9«,-.JVb. 105. Bmiari texte, 354. No. 35,
C O R K BO L E T U S .
n p H I S is halved and feflile, growing to the flocks of trees by
A one fide; the upper furface, while the plant is young, is
white, and'covered with a white, loft, ihort down; when old
it changes to a pale brown, and becomes fmooth, as at D. in
both flates it is highly convex, and is, though fmooth, made uneven
by riling bunches.
The lower furface is generally but little convex, or almoft flat,
as at A. B. - The bafe is fometimes extended downwards, and the
margin continued quite round, as at C.
The pores are various; fome- round and diflinft, others
lengthened out into long waving hollows; fometimes they ihoot
down in bundles of various forms, refembling, in miniature,
bunches of Icicles, or the figures that are formed in the fides of
caverns by the congealed calcarious drop.
When dried it hag a fmell like anifeeds, or the common pe&ora]
lozenges. Is it fpecifically diftindt from the Boletus fuaveolens,
Grows 011 old fallow trees, This fpecimen grew in a hedge
near Sbibden-Hall; I have received the fame plant- from