a i
A P P N D I X. 175
HELVELLA mgjof, cerea, tenuis fragilis glabris fejfilis cratera CCXXV.
' e vefliculofa marfupiformi. - Pe^zaV^eJkut^- ' Bulliard -vefuulofa.
Texte, P.-2,70, No. 38.- Elvclla J'cutelata. Schoef. Fung.
P. IO'I. No. 212. tt.P. ii x . No. 236.
P U R S E D Hfl' L L L A.
A-pIIE root is central, black or dark brown, liar J , misihapen,
1 and fumilhed with foft downy fibres. '
The plant while young, is commonly of a globular figure-, but
ôf very variable lhapes at full growth } aS it advances, the margin
bccomes irregularly waved'and undulated, but ftill converging at
the rim. It grows to a large fîze I have feen fpeciincns much
larger than the figure on the plate 175. ;
In its firft il age it is befet on the putfide with a kind- of grains,
or little pullules, which are not feen without a glafs ; in time
thefe difappear, and the outiide becomes dully with a white powder,
probably the feeds of the plant.
The infide of the cup is fmodth and vellumy, of a dark kind
ef ochre colour ; the fubftance|>f the plant very moiil and brittle.
In fome Hates this plant has a refemblancc of the Helvella
cochleata ; but by its fee, and fome other of its properties, I have
rcaion to fuppofe it à diilinct fpecies.