mm A P P E N D I m
CCVr. AGARICUS acaulis,- pileovelutino flriis concent rices notato, marcoriaceus.
gine acuto lobato, lame His- rarus fubramojus,_fcépiusfimpìicibus..
Agaricus de St. Clou, Vail. Paris, P. 3. Agaricus coriaceus*,
L E A T H E R Y AG A R I O p
^ H E fpecimens before me, adhered, to putrid wood, by thecentre
of the pileus, or by what may be more properly
called the centre of the plant ; it is covered with a ihort velvety
down, and marked with concentric circles, of various degrees 6f
paler and darker buff colour; in age thefe colours difappear, and
the whole furface changes to a dirty dull dark green; the margin
is thin, acute, variouily lobed, iinuated,: and curled ;- the plantfrequently
halved, and growing by one fide only; the fubfhuice
is tough, dry, and leathery. /
The gills are very various in l e n g t h f o m e are extended fromthe
centre to the rim, and are interfered by others, which arifé
at a fmall diftance from the centre; and run to the rim, which
manner of arrangement is feyen or eight times repeated, as the
figure- repréíents ; rarely, tlié ihort are conneóted, at' their bafe, to
the longer, but moil frequently fimple and feparate from each
other; they are thin, of a leathery, and a pale.cork;
Grew on old pales near Shibd'en-Hall, January, 1*791.
N. B. The figures in Vaill. París, Tab. 1. Fig. 1, a, 3. were
undoubtedly taken from fpecimens of this ipecies..