i6Q A p P E N D I X,
• CCVIII. BOLETUS coriaceo ligvofus MUis dlmidiatis, fupra fcabrofo
c<»fra£»/»,. zonatus fubfufcus, carne firugim°~pillide, tubis cineriis Pom
multiformis. Boletus labyrinthiformis. Bulliard texte P
3S7- No. 37.
T A. B. X^LXtXi:
I B H H adhcrinS> hY one fide, to the flumps '
-«• and putrid roots, of trees? thc^uppcr iurface is very m wed ;
and uneven, - marked ' with concentric" .ciicles at diftances / the
ipaces between the circles made rough with raifed wrinkles - the
c o l o u l i g S With a caft of red- darkeft. near the margin
which is blunt, and in fome fpecimens lobed or waved The
fubftance within is woody,, cuts very fmooth',' is of a pretty pale
brown colour, and beautifully marked with veins and clouds of a
darker hue.
Thé tubes are pretty long, adhere together by their fides, and
are lnieparable from the fleih of the pileus:. - C
The pores are of a rediih brown, ,;very various in figure and in
Me round, oblong, angular, large or imall, in various parts of
the lame tpecimcn.
;:This: I gathered on old trees, near FixbyMl; and have received
ipecimens of the fame from Darlington.