A P P E N D I X . i S3
AGARICUS corfvexo albo,
lamellis crajjiufculis albis, petiolo le'reti fieno lottgìufculo albo,
bafi crajjiufculo.' Schcef. P. 68: No. 144.
,.T A B. • CLIIL/i,
^ p I I E root is fmall, hard, brown, and fibrous.
The item is folkl, and eafily fplits in fine white iilky filaments
; it is of a pure white both within and without ; the height
is about five inches in the {pecimen before me j it is round, : largeft
at the baie, whence it decreafes gradually upwards ; there is no
volva or. curtain.
The gills-ate arranged in three fériés, they are numerous, thin,
pliable, of an oblong figure, and white.
The pileu||is convex, the furface Very fmooth, and feels, like
Vellum ; the fleih ts| thin; and ipongy ; the colour, both within
and without, a fair milk white, except thè apex, which is gently
tinged with a pale brown..
Thefe fpecimens grew in the Sheep-Crofl, at. Stannary,,
Augufh the xath, 1791. I have feen it elfewhere in ilicep