A P P E N D I X.
BOLETUS Jiipitatus, pilbo luteo centra aurentU, carne alba ccxvnr„
crifpa fitma, -mbic luteis cortina aïàrte&fà alba. Boletus annuhrian
annularium Bulliard texte, P. 316. No. 1. Bolt. Fung.
T. 84. Fig. inferior.
A N N U L A T E D B O L E T U S*
T A B. ;1fcXx'IX.-
' ^ H E ioot: ialkige, and- dowered with a gray mould ; it emits-
A long foft fibres-
The item, is upright, round', and feiid j, brown nea-r the bafe,.
yellow, in. the upper pari.
• The curtain, in tfefpecimen before me, is whitei of a tender
delicatc fubitance, originating neac the top" ©f the item, and extended
to the rim of the pileus. In the ipecimen I' rtdw dfeferibe,
the curtain, is' fallen to pieces, in tHfe time of drawing the figure,,
and hangs in- fragments, vexaétly as reprefented in the larger fpeiiimen.
The tubes are cylindrical and yellow ; the pofcs round', arid'
of the fame colour,, mucli fmaller than the pores of the common
yellow Boletus.
The pilcus is convex, of a golden or orange' colour, darkeft in
thé" centre ; the rim even and acutc ; the furface, efpecially in
moift weather,, covercd with a ilippery glutin. The internal fubitance
firm, and of a.pale yellow colour;
This plant grew in plenty in the wood oppoilte Burks-IIall, in;
Auguil, 1760. 1 think it a diftinit fpecies from the largefigure
given on my eighty-fourth plate, for the Boletus luteusy
LINN, though I thought them the fame at that, time,.