143 A P P E N D I X .
AGARICUS Jlipitatus, pileo ab initio albo tomentofo, pojl Jiriato
pulvere rubro obduBo lucerato. Lamellis integris numerojis
atris ; Jiipitibus fijlulofus albus, velo albo permenere. Fungus
flerquilinus ex albo gri/eus, Mich. Gen. P. 181.
. / j p H E root is fwelled, and emits white downy fibres.
4 k
The ftem is white, of a foft filky furface, and eaiily fplits in
ilaining white filaments; it is hollow, but with a foft filky down
in the perforation,
The curtain is white, foft, downy, and feparates from the rim
of the pileus; when the ftem has attained but a fmall part of its
height; it is permanent, abiding near the bottom of the ftem, till
the decay of the plant.
The gills are, while the plant is young, covered with a carnation
coloured powder, changing black in decay, rolling up-»
wards, and diiTolving in a black turbid gelly.
The pileus at firft covered with a white downy epidermis.,
which foon difappears, and the furface becomcs ftriated, and of
a foft, downy, livid, carnation colour; which colour, both in
the young and old plants, confifts of a foft powder, which at
laft changes black and diffolves.
Grows on new dunghills; but is rare about Halifax.