A P P E N D I X . i6t
BOLETUS coriaceo-moUis, fejfilis, dimidiatis, pileo rigidis hirtus [CCTX.
••¿¿inflate nigricans, came crajjimine fulva, tubis fimbriatis. hi/pUuK
Bulliad, P. 351.<• No. 3. Boletus JpongioJius» hightfoot
Scot. 1033. No. 4.
||il|-A - B. ci.xr.
'TpHIS is halved, adhering by orie'fideBit is Wry various iti
-*• ihape and iize, being fometimcs of a iemicircular figure,
but more frequently fwollen out in dumps', of no determinate
fhape, lying one 'upon another, or - pYeifing to one another, and
united together by their fides. •
The upper furfaefe;
is of a dark rediih brown, fometimes
fmooth, ioriletimes covered with a thick black or brown fhag, or
hairy covering, which arifes frbta a thick black bark; the fubftance
within is foft and fpongy, while freih cafily tears in flips,
from the centre ,to the margin, but cuts not without much difficulty
; when dry it becomes ¡§very tbugh, it catches and retains
fire, like the1 Boletus igniarius. :
The tubes , are long', of the fame "'golden colour as the fleih.
The pores; of,,,a pale yellow while young, the. fize various, the
margins ciliated, -when old a dark brown, and contracted,, at laft,
they, together with the whole plant, turn black and periih.
Thefc:' fpecimens I gathered near' Bradford,- on oneSfof the
trunks'' of a remarkable tree, called the Four-Afies, ; November
the 5th, 1791. I" haVe received the fame from Daflingtau.