148 A P P E N D I X .
CXCVT. AGARICUS. Jiipìtatus, pileo pallide luteo convito, centxo fùb~
rZuÌtùs UBI > lamellis trifidis^angaftis palfide-luteùs, •mila ararieofó,
Jlipite longo bafi ramofo, radices fujìformis produttus-, Stetb>
T. 25, radices omijfus.
T A B. CXI. VI ir.
' ^ p H E root is long and taper, of a duiky buff colour, emitting
a few foft downy fibres from its fidcis ; at the head it divides
into many footilalks, which are long, cylindrical, folid,
fmooth, of a pale duiky yellower buff colour, both within and
without, and eafily fplits in fine filaments,
The curtain is light, delicate, of ^a pale yellow, and foon
The gills arc arranged in three feries, narrow arched, of a
pale yellow, and adhere to the top of the item by a narrow baie.
The pileus is convex, of a pale yellow- colour near the margin
; the centre fulvous-coloured ; it is of a thin fubflance
almoit deftitute of fieih.
The plant varies much in bignefs, according to its age j all thè;
figures are the natural fize. It is a rare fpqeies. I [gathered it in
the plantations at Fixby-Halt, and it has been ient me from Darlington.