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A P P E N D I X . 151
AGARICUS ßipitatus, pileo complanato fubfufco pallida, lamellis CXCIX.
albts trifidis baß angußis, ßipile plen'o albo ßßiilofo. Ag. • oreadus.
pallidus, Schcef. P. 22pNo. 34.—iL. melleus, P.. SO, No.
39. Ag. pfeudo-moucerm. Bulliard, 144.'
F A I R Y AG A R I C .
T A B.
^ j p H E root is (lender, brown, and fibrous.
The item fmooth, Cylindrical, white, eafily fplit into white
filaments. ;
The gills are" regularly difpofed in threeferies ; they are white
remote,- broad in thé middle, with a narrow bafe.
The pilous fmooth, at fir ft conical, afterwards horizontal, and
in decay umbilieated ; at all times of a pretty buff-coloured
brown, very pale-, particularly about the margin.; a little darker
about thé centre.
This agaric- is more frequent in thofe green circles which we
call fairy rings, than any other fpecie'|f| It is alfo 'to be found in
paiture grounds, and about the borders of woods, in Auguft and
This is not the only fpecies of agaric which we find^in fairy
rings,'1 but this grows moft frequently there/