J 54 A P P E N D I X.
C C I L AGARTCUS Jiipitatus, pileo conico olivaceo-fufco, margine repfiudq.
volutojlriato pallefco, lamellis trifidis pallidus, (iipite vracili
clyfiatus. . . ' ' i l H H P ^ i ^ i
T A B . CLIV.,
'T^HE root adheres to putrid wood, -without vi-fible fibres j it
produces plants iingle or in cjuilers.
The item is finally of a duiky colour, fifiular, and tough,
eafily rending in fine filaments or fibres; there is no curtain.
The gills are in three feriei, white while the plant is young,
turning brown with age; they are tough, flexible, and remote.
The pileus is cone-ihaped while the plant is young, when full
grown the rim becomes ftriated, and rolls upwards; the colour is"
a. duiky olive, dark near the fiimmit,' paler near the margin^ the
plant withers in decay.
Grows on the decaying flumps of fallen trees. I law it in
October, 1790, on old flumps near Lfc-Bridge; and again this
prefent year, 179r, befide the little rivulet at Burks-Hall.. I
think it has not before been figured or defcribed.
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