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A P P E N D I X. 141
AGARICUS fiipitatus, pileo cpmiem lutefcenie irrorato, lamellis CLXXXIX.
pallidis, Jlipitibus annularis, -farèlis., Flo. Dan.. Fas 17, P. mdUm,
9. Agaricus obfcurus. Schoef. P. 32, No. 65.
' - p H E root is large, and of a dark brown; the plant fome-
1 times folitaiy, fometimes a number grow together, adhering
by their numerous brown'fibres.
The ftem is folid, fpongy, largeil, and darkeft coloured near
the bafe ; it is fometimes a little fealey.
The curtain is white, thick, woolly, tough, and abidingj fepa- : :
rates from the rim of" the pileus without tearing ;|eontra&s and
abides on the item like a little thick ruffle.
The gills are in three feries, arched, at iirft white, changing
brown with age ; they adhere, by a broad .bale, to the top of the
item. • - V ' I
The pileus. is atHfiril convex, in . time becomes flat, at lail
funnel-lhaped, and lacerates in decay ; it is of a duiky cinnamon
brown colour, growing darker! with age. The furface, more or
lefs, covered, with little .tufts or fcales of a colour ftill darker ;
and while young, efpecially in moiil weather, covered: with a
gliitin, which looks like à honey dew. ,
This fpecies came.up, abundantly, in the wood called Shroggs,
near Halifax, A.D-. 1-790.
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