A P P E N D I X.
c c AGARICUS Jlipitatus, piko con-oexo, fulvo, cinílo uno obfcuro
«nxuhs. pBo, lamella trifidis latus nigrus, Jlipite loHgofiJlubfifu/ca^fb
e l t e d A G A R I C .
q ^ H E root is fmall, round, hard, firm, and furniilied with
numerous fibres.
The item is cylindrical, tall, of, a dull fufcous colour, both
within and without; it is hollow, and fplits in long brown filament
bj ^ TffiMlBHra : jzj
I P , Th®,fl l l s are arranged in three fcries.j they are veiy broad in
the middle, and diminiih to each extremity; the colour is a duiky
black, the fubftance tender and brittle.
The p ileus is convex; it is a kind of red deer colour, with a
broad belt of a dark brown, which colour is not only on the furface
but penetrates the whole fubftance of the pileus, as H ihewn
in the half figure on the plate. In young plants the marginal
light circle is wanting, as the fmalleit figure reprefents.
Grows on dunghills, after rain, in June and July. I gathered
the ipecimen, here figured and defcribed, June the 25th, 1789.