156 A P P E N D. I X,
AGARICUS Jlipitatus, pileo ab initio pyramidali, pojl campaniformi
lacer at 0, lamdlis trifidis numerojis angujiis pal/idir,
margine atris, Jiipite cylindriio tomentofo fflulofa. Agaricus
tomentofus. Bulliard.
/~J"VHE root is fmall, black, and emits a few fhort brown fibres.
The ftem is upright,, cylindrical, hollow ; the fubftance white,
and eaiily torn in filaments; it is covered, on the outfide, with a
lead-coloured down.
The gills are arranged in three feries ; thofe of the firft fériés;
long and narrow; they are white on the fides, but furniihed with
a black down or powder on the edges, which, before thé plant is
torn, makes them appear wholly black.
The pileus is at firft oval or oblong ; when the rim begins, to
ënlarge it becomes of a pyramidal figure > at-lait bell-fhaped,
lacerates, and foon diffolves. In its firft ft age s it is. thickly covered
with a gray or lead-coloured down-, which covering tears in fragments
as the pileus extends in breadth, and remains on its white
ftriated furface, in broken, deformed", gray patches.
I gathered this fpecies near Ogden-Kirkt amongft wet mofs„
in the ground where peat is dug for fuel.