A P P E N D I X. I&S
BOLETUS coriaceo-fyongiofus, fejfilis ferruginous, tubis longif- CCXHr,.
Jirnis ereBis, ^^ixMjS^isrot^ridus. • refu^inaiui.
T. A. B.
curious BoletuSi #of t frequently creeps or fpfeads upon
. A its back ; fometimes it is formed into lumps of a rude turban
ihape ; in either cafe it confifts of a thin brown craft,, which
clofely embraces the wood on which it grows, and ferves as a bale
or ground-work to the tubes.
The ,tubes are long, eredt, and conilitute almoft the whole
fubftance of the plant. In the fpreading or creeping fpecimens,
the margin is unequally lobed anil blunt; the furface made uneven
by fwelling bunches ; the colour, like all the other parts, is a rufty.
brown. The pores round, but are too ftnall for the infpection of
the naked eye. The length of the tubes is different in the creeping
and the turbanated fpecimens, being ihorter in the firft, longer
in the laft variety. They are figured of their natural iize at d. d. d.
magnified in two different degrees, at b. c.
This fpecies is nearly related to the Boletus cryptarum of BULI
I A R D , Tcxte, P. 350. No. 31. and probably may be the fame
fpecies, my fpecimens being greatly inferior to his, in point of
elegance and perfection of growth.
. I gathered fpecimens of this plant on dry decayed haile boughs
near Burksr Hail, in February, 1790.
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