[ 2 ]
A siileiulid Agaric, resembling some forms of A . clypeolarius, b u t more
robust. I n some specimens th e surface is decidedly scaly, in others simply
velvety. The margin often projects beyond the gills, and is decidedly silky
aiui mnbnatefl. T h e stem, tho u g h bulbous, is by no means marginate
Smell ra th e r disagreeable.—B . d B r.
Flesh clianging to b rig h t red, th en dark brown; odour strong and
peculiar, not disagreeable ; ta ste le ss or in s ip id ; gills at length with a black
ed g e ; ayiom '0003" x -00013". The p lan ts figured were kindly forwarded
by Chas. B. Plowright, E sq ., from N o rth Wootton, Norfolk.
J-** 35.— Figs. e, 7, Agaricus (Lepiota) Badhami, B. & Br. Fig. 8, section of
ditto. Fig. 9, spores enlarged 700 dia. Fig. 10, trama enlarged.—F . (?. 8.
l.Z.3,Agaricus le p io ta )
6 7, 8. Agaricus le p io ta ) Baanami P i e t