Mycological Illustrations.] [May, 1871.
PLATE 21.—Figs. 1, 2.
Agaeicus (H ebeloma) lucieugus, F r.
F rie s, Hym. Mon. i. p. 3 45; Ejpicr. p. 177. Be rk. B rit. Fun g . p. 156. Pers.
Ic . Piet. t. 15, fig. 3. Cooke, Handbook, p. 119. Tuiigli. t. 6, fig. 4.
B. & B r., Ann. N. H . n. 793.
H e b e lom a stipite solido, rigido, pallido; pileo subearnoso, e convexo qilano,
adpresse tomentoso, fibriUoso; carne a lb a ; lamellis confertis, adnexis, luteis,
dein pure olivaceis.
Pileus flesby b u t thin, convex th e n plane, umbonate, one inch wide,
with adpressed scales, or often covered with longitudinal fibres, suh-olive-
coloured, somewhat p a llid ; stem, solid, rigid, one and a h a lf inch long, two
lines thick, wavy, scarcely fibrillose, slightly p ulverulent a t th e aqiex, qiallid;
flesh w liite ; gills almost free, crowded, ventricose, qilane, white th en yellow
and finally olive. In qiine-w'oods.—Fries.
Pileus straw'-coloured, with a silky lustre, conical, with th e margin
lobed and waved and much inclined to split, th e surface covered with
a dense stra tum of adpressed tom e n tum ; stexn cylindrical, solid, stuffed
with longitudinal fibres, ra th e r p a le r th a n th e pileus in th e upper part,
nearly white b e low ; Jiesh very thick ; gills dull yellowish brown, getting
browner by age, ventricose. U n d e r a sh-trees in a wood n e a r Polegate
S tation, 6tli Seqit., 1853.
Plate 21..— Fig. 1, Agaxicus [Heheloma) Iticifugus, Fr. Fig. 3, section of ditto.
IF. W. S.
Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Agaeicus (Hebeloma) obscueus, Pers.
F rie s, Hj'in. Mon. ii. p. 300 ; Eqiicr. p. 173. Berk. B rit. F u n g . p. 154.
Cooke, Handbook, p. 116.
H e b e lom a stipite fihrilloso, vioiaceo-fuscesceiite; pileo subearnoso, fibvilloso ;
lamellis adnexis, confertis, ventricosis, olivaceis demum fulvis; odore forte.
Pileus scarcely an in ch across, somewliat fleshy, flatty campanulate,
umbonate, longitudinally fib rillo se ; disc s c a ly ; stem stuffed, somewhat
flexuose, fibrillose, v io le t-b row n ; gills admixed, uncinate, crowded, ventricose,
olive th en brown. On th e naked ground.—F iles.
Spores '0003" x '0003".
C. E dmu n d Broome, E sq ., M.A., of E lm h u rs t, Ba the aston, B a th , kindly
forwarded th e qilants figured from L eigh Wood, Bristol.
P late 31. — Figs. 3, 4, 5, Agaricus {Hebeloma) obscurus, P. Fig. C, section of
ditto. Fig. 7, spores X 700 diam.—TF. G. S.
Agaricus (Hebeloina)luciftLgus, Fr.