P R O S P E C T U S .
Under the, title of ‘ Mycological Illustrations,’ it is proposed
to publish a series of coloured figures of British Hymenomycetous
Fungi, drawn from fresh and well-developed specimens, with a
view of giving faithful representations of many new and rare
species not hitherto figured in any work published in this country ;
and also occasionally of reflguring such species as may be thought
to require better illustration than has been given them in our
standard works on the subject.
The Plates will be lithographed by Mr. W. G. Smith,
almost entirely from drawings by that gentleman or by myself,
and will be accompanied with such dissections as may be
necessary to bring out the distinctive characters of the species.
Each Plate wiU have descriptive letter-press, giving botanical
characters, reference to figures and descriptions, localities, and
other information which may be thought interesting.
Hillfield, Reigate,
M a y Isi, 1871.