¡4: ir,
CoBTINAKlUS (D e bm o c y b e ) c a n in u s , F r.
Frie s, Hym. Mon. ii. p. 6 0 ; F r. Epic r. 383. Berk. Brit. F u n « p 189
Bull. t. 544, f. 1. Buxb. iv. t. 33. Cooke, Handbook, p. 183.
Dermocybe stipite peronato, velato, adpresse fibroso, supeme cingulato, suban-
nulato, ut et pileo e fusco rufescente; pileo carnoso, lateritio-rufescente,
glabrato; lamellis emarginatis, subdistantibus, latis.
Pileus equally fleshy, n o t compact, firm, n o t clunky, convex then
flattened, obtuse, th re e to four inches wide, a t first shining round the
margin with silky hairs, when older glabrous, varying in colour, dusky
brown, afterwards commonly red, when dry even tawny; stem stuffed,
spongy within, at length hollow, three inches and more long, one and a half
inch thick, thickened a t the base, somewhat bulbous, often villous-white,
tu rn in g pallid, violet a t th e a p e x ; veil double in th e perfect state, inferior,
fibrous or scaly, clothing the greater p a rt of the stem, and termina ting near
th e apex in an annular white or dusky zone, above which the stem is
slightly villous and c o r tin a te ; flesh white, at length becoming somewhat
y e llow ; gills emarginate, ra th e r distant, thin, three to four inches wide,
p urplish or cinnamon. I n beech-woods.—Fries.
I n a meadow ne a r Polegate Station, E a stb o u rn e , 17th Sept. 1852,
growing under tr e e s ; pileus smooth, reddish brown, darker in th e c e n tr e ;
stem so lid ; veil white, a rachnoid; gills lig h t yellow umher-brown; spores
b rig h t rufous-brown.
(Dermocybe) caninus, F r. Fig. 3, section of ditto.
W.V/.SauTLcbrs d e l. W.G.S.litr..
Cortmarius (Dermocybe) c an in u s. Fr,