PLATE 28.—r s. 1, 2.
F rie s, Hym. Mon. ii. p. 134; E pic r. p. 334. Scop. p. 433. Pauli, t. 77, f. 3.
HyQROPHOEns stipite solido, viscoso, apice squamuloso-exasperato; Yelo manifesto ;
pileo carnoso, glabro, disco ex nmbrino fuligineo; lamellis adnatis, albo-
Pileus fleshy, glabrous, viscid, an inch and a h a lf to two and a h a lf
inches wide, convex th en flattened, obtuse, disc sooty, p aler round th e
m a rg in ; jiesh ra th e r firm, w h ite ; gills adnate th e n decurrent, ra th e r distant,
th in , white, tu rn in g a sh y ; stem solid, firm, two to th re e inches long, an
inch and a h a lf thick, ventricose, viscid, flocculose, fibroso-striatecl, scaly at
the apex. I n leafy woods.—Fries.
Pileus extremely viscid, and, when forming a cup, th is, in damp)
weather, is full of a th ick slimy m a tte r ; gills cream-coloured.
On th e ground, amongst decaying leaves, in a damp wood ne a r
St. L eo n a rd ’s, Sussex, Oct. 1847.
P la te 28. — Fig. 1, Hijyrophorus limacinus, Seop. Fig. 3, section of ditto. —
IF. TF. S.
Lower Figures.
Berk. B rit. Fun g . p. 199; Ann. Nat. H is t. No. 333. Cooke, Handbook,
p. 200.
H ygrophoecs pileo-eburneo, vix viscido, convexo, carnoso; stipiite teimi, solido ;
lamellis latis, decurrentibus, paucis.
Pileus ivory-w'hite, slightly viscid, convex, fleshy, scarcely h a lf an inch
in d iam e te r; stem slender, smooth, s o lid ; gills broad, thick, arched,
decurrent, very few and distant. Of a frag ran t p e rsis ten t odour, like
Russiah leath e r.—B erk.
Taste strong and d isagreeable; odour exactly like th a t of Russian
leather. T h is species, confessedly near H . virgineus, differs in th e size of
th e spores, being in th e la tte r '00033" x 'OOOSS". We have also met with
anoth e r closely allied species with a powerful odour, like the essence of
almonds, which for the p re sen t we refrain from figuring.
The specimens figured grew on Ru sth a ll Common, and were given to
us by F re d e rick Currey, E sq ., who received them from Dr. Dealdn.
P l-Yte 28.—Lower Figures, Hygrophorus ritsso-coriaceus, B. & Mill., with section.
Spores, -0004" X •00026".—IF. G. S.
Hygrophorus limacinus, Scop.
Hygrophorus russo-coria.ceus B&Mill.