■Women, American a t Simoda, 454. ,
driven away on approach of Com. Perry, 459.
Japanese, visited by Com. Perry, 460.
work in the fields, 461.
social position of in Japan, 462.
Wood dense, Lew Chew, 802.
Wood-cuts, Japanese, 529.
Woosung, village of, 167.
Wives, importance of the number of, in China, 845.
Woven fabrics of the Japanese, .65.
Wrecks of American vessels, Japan, communication
respecting, 589. ,
Wrestlers, Japanese, 481, 488.
Japanese drawings ofj 529.
Wrestling match, Japanese, 482.
Writing, hand, Lew Chew, 257.
Xavier, his mission in Japan, 81.
establishes Christianity in Ceylon, 145.
Yang-tse-Keang river, 166.
Yedo, 8, 9.
town observed on the bay oij 278.
plan of, shown to Japanese officials, 290.
port ofj in sight, 811.
advantages o f the survey of the bay of, 818.
shores of the bay ofj in winter, 879.
bay of, 880.
Japanese refrihe to receive the expedition at,
. 898.
bells ofj heard by the American expedition, 892.
surveying boats of the expedition approach
withinr four miles of, 895.
populousness of the bay of, 400.
an American officer on his w ay to, 419.
glimpse of, through a fog, 468.
Com. Perry’s reasons for not visiting, 464.
scurvy, A in o s , 524.
Yenoske, an interpreter, 405, 482.
Japanese interpreter, 418.
Yeiosko, reply to the letter of the President of
the United States, 407.
visits Com. Perry, 484.
duplicity of, 459.
readiness to assume blame, 556.
his farewell visit to Com. Perry, 557.
Yezaimen, Keyamon, governor of Uraga, visits
Com. Perry, 278.
his second visit, 281.
his third visit to Com. Perry, 282.
bearer of a letter from the emperor of Japan to
Com. Perry, 288.
visit to the Susquehanna on the day o f the reception
o f the letter of the president, 298.
conversation with Capt Buchanan, 806.
his examination of the engine of the Susquehanna
when in motion, 807.
his visit of expostulation on the advance of the
squadron, 809.
his appreciation of good cheer, 810.
brings presents to Com. Perry, 818.
his friendliness, 818.
parting health to the Americans, 814.
Yezaiman, governor of Uraga, visits the squadron,
visits the Powhatan, 896.
takes charge of a letter from “ Sam P atch ” of
Japan, 896.
conversation w ith Captain Adams, 897.
makes arrangements for the delivery of the
emperor’s letter, 898.
Yokubama, Japan, 401.
Yomi, the pure Japanese dialect, 10.
Y o r itin is , his history, 25.
Yuitz, a Sintoo sect, 26.
Zhetsa-zhi, a Buddhist monastery, Hakodadi, 512.
Zhiogen-zhi, a Buddhist temple, Hakodadi, 518.
Zhi-zo-bogats, a Japanese deity, 475.
Zimzoons, or temporal sovereigns of Japan, 14,19.
Zin-mu-ten-woo, the founder of the Japanese sovereignty,
Ziogoon, how dethroned, 15.
Zipangu, 5.