St. Gevan, shipwreck of the French vessel, the
foundation of the story of Panl and Virginia,
Spooner (Mr.), hospitality of, 168.
S t Helena, visit of the expedition to, 114.
military strength o£ 117.
greediness for money of the people of, 117.
S t Pierre, Bernardin, 185.
S t Thomas, said to have preached in Ceylon, 145.
Standards, Japanese, 292.
Stapleton island, Bonin islands, goats on, 288.
Steam engine, astonishment of the Japanese at, 180.
n ot unknown to the Japanese, 287.
Steel, Hakodadi, 526.
Stirling (Admiral), makes a tre aty with Japan, 79.
Stone worked b y Japanese, 465.
Storms off the Cape of Good Hope, 128.
Streets of Simoda guarded by gates, 467.
Styx, H. B. M. steamer, 128.
Subscription list in a Sintoo temple, 474.
Sugar cane, Lew Chew, 868.
Sugar crop a t Mauritius, 188.
Sugar loaf island, Lew Chew, 208.
Sugar mills, Lew Chew, 864.
Sugar, use of Lew Chew, 864.
Sulphur in Japan, 76.
spring, Peel island, 240.
Sunday, observance of by the expedition, 276.
Supplies for whale ships a t the Bonin islands, 282.
for American ships in Japan, 418.
cost ofj Simoda, 555.
Supply rock, near Simoda, 481.
Supply, the, nearly wrecked, 167.
Suraga-no-kami, Japanese commissioner, 546.
Surro-kubo, or Cape Blunt, 498.
Survey of the bay of Uraga, 275, 277, 810,811.
of Tedo, 884.
signals for the, 418.
of Ydlcano bay, Endermo harbor, 587.
Surveys, Kelung, 577.
of the Japanese harbors, copies o f the, presented
to the Japanese government, 408.
Susaki, Simoda, 476.
Cape, 494.
Susquehanna bay, Japan, 811.
Swell from the N. W. a t sea, 109.
Swords, Japanese, 287,526.
Syakfdo, a species o f enamel work, 75.
Table bay, visit to, 121.
Table cloth, a cloud on Table Mountain, 122.
Table Mountain, 122.
Tailoresses, street, China, 840.
Takahasi, his connection with Siebold, 89.
Take-no-uchistaro, Japanese commissioner, 547.
Talipot, tree of Ceylon, 142.
Tanka boats, 844.
boat girls, 844.
at Macao, 163.
Taontae, commander-in-chief of Chinese fleet, 582.
Taontai, or governor of Shanghai, 169.
Taro plant, Peel island, 240.
Tatao, one of the Lew Chew islands, 268.
Tatznoske, Japanese interpreter, 281.
his facility in the acquisition of languages, 286.
his conviviality, 286; 'and shrewdness, 806.
Tayko opposes the Portuguese, 88.
Tayko-sama, his history, 15.
Taylor (Bayard), his MS. journal, iv.
description of Lew Chew from the sea, 177.
joins the expedition, 175.
account of the harbor o f Napha by, 175.
first landing on Lew Chew, 181. *
exploration of Pee! island, 285.
Tea and pipes served to guests in Lew Chew, 18a
culture of, by the Japanese, 65.
drinking, Lew Chew, 249.
T66n-Sun, the first ruler of Lew Chew, 258.
Teeth dying in Japan, 460.
Telegraph, magnetic, in Japan, 415.
Temperature a t sea, near Japan, in July, 264.
bay o f Uraga, 276.
of Simoda, 480.
Temple a t Lew Chew, visit to ,182.
Ten Fathom Hole, P o rt Lloyd, Bonin islands, 282.
Ten-sio-dai-zin, the patron divinity of Japan, 24.
Ten-sio-dai-sin, the most sacred of Japanese
shrines, 25.
Testacea, Bonin islands, 288.
Theatrical performances by sailors of the expedition,
Thermometric range a t Point de Galle, Ceylon, 140.
Thieves, Chinese, 162.
Thom (Dr.). a w riter on hurricanes, 187.
Thunberg, a w riter on Japan, 4, 8.
his account of Japanese rouge, 460.
Tides in the straits of Malacca, 148.
of Cochin China, 156.
at Shanghai, 166.
Napha, Lew Chew, 228.
bay of Tedo, 817.
Tigers, ferocity o£ a t Singapore, 154
Tima-gusho, ruins of the castle of, Napha, 828.
Tin in Japan, 76.
Titsingh, a writer on Japan, 4, 8.
account o f the operation o f the Dosia powder,
Toasts, drinking, in Lew Chew, 219.
Tobacco, Peel island, 287.
smoking, Lew Chew, 260.
Toda-Idzu-no-Kami, Japanese commissioner, 290.
Todo, Japanese commissioner, 296.
Torigasaki, a Japanese village, 812.
Tomatoes, Peel island, 240.
Tombs, Lew Chow, 167,168.
Tomes (Robert), his share in the authorship of this
publication, iv.
Town hall, Tumai, Lew Chew, 188.
Trade winds, northern, boundary of, 111.
encountered by the expedition, 112.
Treaty between Japan and the U nited States, 409.
of commerce, terms proposed by the Japanese,
Treaty, Commodore Perry’s replies to, 428.
conversation between Tenoske and Com. Perry
respecting the, 485.
conference respecting the, 489.
between the United States and Japan, 440.
objects secured by the, 445.
difficulties incident to its formation, 446.
progress of the formation of the, 447.
discussion as to the time when i t shall go into
effect, 449.
patience required for its negotiation, 450.
qualifications of the, inserted by the Japanese,
advantages secured by, 452.
the, sent to the United States, 458.
ratified by the Senate, 587.
terms of ratification of in Japan, 590.
“ Treaty house,” Yoku-hama, 401.
Treaty Point, near Hakodadi, 498.
Trees of Japan, 77.
Trials, mode of conducting among the Japanese, 22.
Tsuki Point, near Hakodadi, 500. ,
Tunnels, natural, in the Bonin islands, 281.
Turcomans, of Asia Minor use ladles similar to
those of the Japanese, 181.
Turtle, Peel island, 286.
Green, 282.
Turtles from the Bonin islands, 491.
Typhoon near Formosa, 575.
Typhoons felt a t Lew Chew, 862.
Tzudsuki, Japanese commissioner, 404
Udono, Japanese commissioner, 404
Ukona rocks, near Simoda, 481.
Uniform, Japanese, 268, 278.
United States Commercial agent a t Point de Galle,
Ceylon, imprisoned for debt, 189.
correspondence of the, with Holland, relative
to Japan, 87.
intercourse with Japan, 60.
expedition of 1849, 61.
priority of their treaty with Japan, 94
seamen imprisoned in Japan, 61.
forced to trample on the cross, 61.
released, 61.
the “ Middle Kingdom,” 95.
Un-na, Lew Chew, 204
Uraga, Japan, 266.
bay of, Japan, 266.
city of, 266.
vice-governor of, received on board the squadron,
picturesque shores of the bay of^ 272.
survey of the bay of, 808,810.
proposed as a place of negotiation, 881.
discussion respecting a meeting at, 287,402.
Vandalia, voyage of the, to Lew Chew, 885.
Vandalia bluff, Simoda harbor, 481.
Van Twist, Duymaer, letter to Com. Perry, announcing
the death of the emperor of Japan,
Vegetables, Simoda, 469.
Vegetation, peculiar of the Bonin islands, 241.
luxuriant, of the bay of T edo, 459.
Vessels, sea, of the Japanese, 67.
Victoria, Hong Kong, 158.
the English bishop of, his account of his official
visit to Lew Chew in 1850, 255.
remark on the writings of Confucius, 256.
account of Dr. Bettelheim, 258.
Village; Lew Chew, description ofj 249.
Villages, Lew Chew,. 199.
Virgin and child, image o£ found in a heathen temple
in Singapore, 151.
Vocabulary of Lew Chew and Japanese words, 866.
Volcanic formation of Peel island, 289.
Volcano bay, survey o£ 585.
Volcanoes, 9.
in Endermo harbor, 585.
Vries island, or Oo-sima, bay of Yedo, 265.
Japan, 816.
Vulcan island, Japan, 816.
Wages of laborers, Lew Chew, 252.
Walls o f coral in Lew Chew, 178.
Whampoa river, 162.
Wardenaar, his connection with the expedition oi
Raffles, 54
Washington George, remark of L ew Chew official
on, 188.
“ very great mandarin,” 219.
known to the Japanese, 287.
styled the great mandarin a t Lew Chew, 571.
monument, Japanese stone for, 556,.
stone contributed to from Lew Chew, 571.
Washington’s birthday, celebration of b y the Am.
squadron in Japan, 389,890.
Water buffalo, of Singapore, 155.
Wax plant, L ew Chew, 194
Webster island, Japan, 466.
Whale ships, supplies for, Bonin islands, 248.
fishery off Japan, opened by the treaty, 248.
fishers, protection to shipwrecked, demanded
of the Japanese, 298.
Whaling depot, Hakodadi, 528.
Whampoa, a Chinese merchant a t Singapore, his
hospitality, 152.
anchorage at, 159.
pagoda, 159. -
Williams. (W ells), interpreter, 177.
Wind, direction of, 111.
Winds, encountered off the Cape, and in the Indian
ocean, 127.
Winter, severity of, Japan, 898.
Women, seclusion of the Lew Chew, 221.
industry of Lew Chew, 251.
position of, Lew Chew, dress, 867.
foreign, not wanted in Japan, 451.