isidd, while the remainder, forming two
>n the ascent of the h ill, in thé rear. ,
id visited G-ibraltar was struck with the
position and general aspect, to that
he isolated hill, on the base and aecliv-
orresponding to the rock of G ibraltar :
aching to the elevated region bey ami,
tes the'English fortress from tho ^pan-
f and capacious bay surrounding Hako-t
then the resemblance between the two;
the Strait of with
iv anti M i
l!if| edast Of
fai heights, served to;
whose travelled ex-
ini auoub ini'
Î^om thé sea
rhefcwe On then
ïj';0n 'the'wini
— of Ha
ifcperiai ffef of Matsmai,* and is the largest
Hh the excepnoja o f Matsmai, ffrofii which it
i an easterly direction. An excellent road
cfcs the two places, and a large, trade ' is car-
)tir with several small towns oil: the Island of
of the Strait* of Sangar, Or, as i t : shohld be
■Rgularly built with? streets rutming at right
are between thirty and forty- feet in widths
( to allow Of the proper draining of water,
eb side, which receive the drippings of the