430 E X£P E D I T I O N TO J A P A N .
While contemplating these substantial evidences of Japanese generosity,
the attention of all was suddenly riveted upon a body of monstrous fellows,
who tramped down the beach like so many huge elephants. They were professional
wrestlers, and formed part of the retinue of the princes, who kept
them for their private amusement.and for public entertainment. They were
some twenty-five in number, and were men enormously tall in stature, and
immense in weight of flesh. Their scant costume, which was merely a colored
cloth about the loins, adorned with fringes and emblazoned with the
armorial bearings of the prince to whom each belonged, revealed their gigantic
proportions in all the bloated fulness of fat and breadth of muscle.
Their proprietors, the princes, seemed proud of them, and were careful to
show their points to the greatest advantage before our astonished countrymen.
Some two | or three of these huge monsters were the most famous
2 brasiers.
10 pieces fine red popgee.
lO pieces white pongee.
. 5 pieces flowered crape.
5 pieces red dyed figured crape.
2d. From Hayashi, first commissioner—
1 lacquered writing apparatus.
iP 1 lacquered paper box.
1 box of paper.
1 box flowered note paper.
5 boxes stamped note and letter paper.
4 boxes assorted sea-shells, 100 in each.
1 box of branch coral and feather in
1 lacquered chow-chow box.
1 box, set of three, lacquered goblets.
7 boxes cups and spoons and goblet
cut from conch shells.
3d. From Ido, 2d commissioner—
2 boxes lacquered waiters, 4 -in all.
2 boxes, containing 20 umbrellas.
1 box 30 coir brooms.
4th. From Izawa, 3d commissioner—
1 piece red pongee.
1 piece white pongee.
8 boxes, 13 dolls.
1 box bamboo woven articles.
2 boxes bamboo stands.
5th. From Udono, 4th commisioner—
3 pieces striped crape.
2 boxes porcelain cups.
1 box, 10 jars of soy.
6th. From Matsusaki, 5th commissioner—
3 boxes porcelain goblets.
1 box figured matting.
35 bundles oak charcoal.
7th. From Abe, 1st Imperial councillor—
14 pieces striped figured silk, (taffeta.)
8th—12th. From each of other 5 Imperial
10 pieces striped figured silk,(taffeta.)
13th. From Emperor to Commodore Perry—
1 lacquered writing apparatus.
1 lacquered paper box.
3 pieces red pongee.
2 pieces white pongee.
2 pieces flowered crape.
3 pieces figured dyed crape.
14th. From commissioners to Capt. H. A.
Adam s—-
3 pieces plain red pongee.
2 pieces dyed figured crape.
20 sets lacquered cups and covers.
15th—17th. From commissioners to Mr.
Perry, Mr. Portman, and Mr. S. W*
Williams, each—
2 pieces red pongee.
2 pieces dyed figured crape.
10 sets lacquered cups and covers.
18th—22d. From commissioners to Mr. Gay,
Mr. Danby, Mr. Draper, Dr. Morrow,
and Mr. J. P. Williams—
1 piece red dyed figured crape.
10 sets lacquered cups and covers.
23d. From Emperor to the squadron—
200 bundles of rice, each 5 Japanese
300 chickens.