P H A L Æ N A M I N I S T R A.
O R A N G E B R O W N -B A R R E D M O TH .
A N D R O M E D A M A R I A N A . L I N N .
P h . Bombyx elinguis criftata, alis deflexis ferrugineis : primoribus lineis quinque tranfyerfis
pundto difci margineque fufcis.
Phalæna miniftra. Drury's Inf. V 2. t. 14. f . 3.
Its food is the Andromeda mariand, vulgarly called the M ale Huckleberry, w hich
grows round ponds and on the margins o f running ftrearns; it eats alfo feveral
ipecies o f W a ln u t and Oak. One w e n t into th e ground Ju ly 3 1 , and came out
Auguft 2 3 ; another w e n t in th e 8 th o f June, and came forth the 3 d o f July. They
likewife fometimes go into the ground in autumn, and come out in the Ipring.
Th e whole brood o f caterpillars feed together in common. W h e n th ey eat W a lnut
leaves, th ey are always black w ith w h ite hairs; w hen their food is o f Oak they
are more yellow, and refemble the larva o f th e Englifh Buff-tip, P . bucephala.
I have not however obferved any m aterial difference in the colour o f th e perfect in fects.
Though th e caterpillar is common, the fly feldom occurs.
The name miniftra is not one o f the moft expreflive, but for that we are not anfwerable,
nor would we change it without neceflity.
s T