P H A L i EN A C A S T R E N S I S .
P L U M L A C K E Y M O T H .
P R U N U S I N S I T I T I A . L I N N . ?
P h . Bomibyx elinguis, alis reverfis grifeis: ftrigis duabus pallidis; fubtus unicé.
Phalaena caftrenfis. Ihm. Syß. Nat. 818.
Bombyx caftrenfis. Fair. Entom. emend. V. 4. 432.
F e e d s on Plum and Apple trees. One o f thefe caterpillars Ipun on th e 18th o f
April, and th e fly appeared the 14th o f May. I t is n o t very common in Georgia;
b u t in V irginia a whole apple orchard is fometimes flripped o f th e leaves b y it.
This is nearly allied to the preceding, nor does the difference between them remarked by
Linnaeus hold good in America, that P . Neuftria lives on trees, and P . caftrenfis on the ground
among herbaceous plants. Otherwife their hiftory is very clear, and the drawings of Mr.
Abbot agree with the Linnaean ipecimens.