P H A L i l N A CI PPUS .
D O G W O O D S N A I L - C A T E R P I L L A R M O T H .
C O R N U S F L O R I D A . L I N N .
P h . Bombjx elrnguis, alis dcflexis fufcis: primoribus maculis pluribus fubdeltoideis viridibus.
Phalaena Cippus. Cram. Pap. t. 53. f . E.
Boiribyx Cippus. Fabr. Entom. emend. V. 4. 448.
T h e food o f this Angular caterpillar is the Dog-Wood, Oak, and other trees. I t
made its web on th e 14th o f September, and the moth appeared Ju ly 22. I t is not
common, though found in V irginia as well as Georgia.
Although Cramer’s figure, above referred to, be very imperfect, we believe it is intended
for this infeiSt, which is a very diftinft fpecies from all we have before met with.