K I T T E N MO T H .
C A N A D IA N P O P L A R .
F h . Bombyx elinguis, thoracc variegato, alis grifeis bafl apiceque albis nigro punflatis.
Phalæna Furcula. Lbm. Syft. Nat. 823.
Bombyx furcula. Fair. Entom. emend. V. 4. 4J5.
T h e caterpillar, the fize o f the fmaller figure, was taken the latter end o f July,
feeding on th a t kind o f Poplar vulgarly called the Cotton tree. W h e n difturbed
it flioots out o f th e ends o f its forked tail two foft orange-coloured threads. Early
in Auguft it filed its Ikin, and afiumed th e colour reprefented in th e larger figure.
On th e lo th o f th a t month it enclofed itfelf in a cafe, made o f chips o f th e wood,
and affixed to a branch. T h e moth came ou t April 24th. I t likewife feeds on
the wild cherry and willow, and is found' alfo in Virginia, b u t it is a very rare
This infeCt, though rare, is well known in England. The Poplar on which it is delineated
fometimes bears its feeds in this country, but the cotton, which plentifully enfolds
them, feems too lhort and weak to be manufactured to any purpofe.