W H I T E - T I P M O T H .
Q U E R C U S A L B A . L IN N .?
W H I T E O A K ?
P h . Bomhyx elinguis criftata, alis deflexis grifeis: primoribus firiga marginali angulofa nivea
nubeculse inferta nigras.
F e e d s on W h ite Oak and other fpecies o f th e fame genns. I t fpun itfelf up in a
th in w h ite web between th e leaves October 28th, and came out on th e wing the
18th o f February. Others fpun on the 29th o f March, and came out th e 2d o f May.
T h e whole brood feeds together, elpecially w hen fmall. T h e caterpillar has a fine
polifh like porcelain, as if glazed or varnilhed. I t is not a common kind.
Drury’s P . morgaritata, Pol, 3 . t. 2 1 . ƒ 6 , which is a wrong termination of a name for any
thing but a Geometra/eticomis, has fome affinity with this,-but they are unquestionably dif-
tin& fpecies.