S M A L L E R M I N E MO T H .
M O R U S R U B R A . L I N N .
R E D M U L B E R R Y TR E E .
P h . Bonibyx elinguis, alis deflexis corporeque niveis nigro pundlatis, thorace utrinque
.lunulä nigrä.
Phalaena Cunea. Drury's Inf. Vo/. 1. t. IS. ƒ 4?
I ts food is th e Mulberry, Perfimmon, Willow, and W ild Cherry. I t fpun on the
lOth o f May, and came out on the i l l o f June. T h e whole brood o f caterpillars
feeds together in a web, and will often entirely deltroy th e leaves o f a Imall tree.
This Ipecies is alfo a native o f Virginia.
Whether this be the Cunea of Mr. Drury or not, it deferves a more expreffive, or rather
lefs The character above-given applies to the male only, the female being
entirely white.