
They defcribe this, monder, as to her form, to be a compound of various
fpecies; having the head of a bull, the eyes o f a hog, the ears
o f an elephant, the horns o f a dag, the neck of an oftrich, the bread
o f a lion, the colour of a tiger, the hack of a cat, the tail of a ram,
the legs of a camel, and the voice of an afs. Some fay this bead is
to appear three times in feveral places, and that {he will bring with
her the rod of Mofes, and the feal of Solomon-, and being fo fwift that
none can overtake or efcape her, will with the firft drike all the believers
on the face, and mark them with the word Murnen, i. e. believer,
and with the latter will mark the unbelievers on the face like-
wife, with the word Cafer, i. e. infidel, that every perfon may be
known for what he really is. They add that'thè fame bead is to de-
mondrate the vanity of all religions except Ifidm, and to fpeak Arabic.
' All this duff feems to be the refult of a confufed idea of the
bead in the Revelations
3. War with the Greeks, and the taking of Conjlantinople by 70,000
of the poderity of Ifaac, who {hall not win that city by force of
arms, but the walls {hall fall down while they cry out, There is no god
but G o d : G od is mofi great! As they are dividing the fpoil, news
will come to them of the appearance of Antichrid; whereupon they
fhdi leave all, and return back.
4. The coming of Antichrid, whom the Mohammedans call al Ma-
fih al Dajjdl, i. e. the falfe or. lying Chrifi, and limply al Dajjdl. He
is to be one-eyed, and marked on the forehead with the letters C. F. R.
fignifying Cafer, ox infidel. They fay that the’ Jews give him the
name of Mefiiah Ben David, and pretend he is to come in the lad
days, and to be lord both o f land and fea, and that he will redore
the kingdom to them. According to the traditions of Mohammed, he
is to appear fil’d between Irak and Syria, or according to others, in the
province of Khorafdn-, they add that he is to ride on an afs; that he will
be followed by 70,000 Jews o f ljpahdn, and continue on earth forty
days, of which one will be equal in length to a year, another to a
month, another to a week, arid the red will be common days; that
he is to lay wade all places, but will not enter Mecca or Medina, which
are to be guarded by angels ; and that at length he will be flain by
Jefus, who is to encounter him at the gate of Lud. It is faid that
Mohammed foretold feveral Antichrids, to the.number of about thirty;
. but one of greater note than the red.
Ç. The defcent of Jefus on earth. They pretend that he is to
defcend near the White tower to the ead of Damafcus, when the people
are returned from the taking of Conjlantinople -, that he is to embrace
the Mohammedan religion, marry a wife, get children, kill Antichrid,
and at length dye after forty years, or according to others
twenty four years continuance on earth. Under him they fay there
will be great fecurity, and plenty in the world, all hatred and malice
being laid afide ; when lions and camels', bears and fheep fhall live in
peace, and a child fhall play with ferpents unhurt2.
6. War with the Jews ; of whom the Mohammedans are to make a
prodigious {laughter, the very trees and dones difcovering filch of
them as hide themfelves, except only the tree called Gharkad, which
is the tree of the Jews.
7. The eruption of Gog’ and Magog, or, as they are called in the
ead, Tâjûj and Majuj ; of whom many things are related in the Koran
3, and the traditions of Mohammed. Thefe barbarians, they tell
us, having paffed the lake of Tiberias, which the vanguard of their
vad army will drink dry, will come to Jerufalem, and there greatly
didrefs Jefus and his companions ; till at his requed G od will de-
ftroy them, and fill the earth with their carcaffes, which after fome
time G o a will fend birds to carry away, at the prayers of J e fus
and his followers. Their bows, arrows, and quivers the Mofiems
will burn for feven years together4; and at lad G o t) will fend a rain
to cleanfe the earth, .and to make it fertile.
8. A fmoke, which fhall fill the whole earth K
9. An eclipfe of the moon. Mohammed is reported to have faid,
that there would be three eclipfes before the lad hour ; one to be
feen in the ead, another in the wed, and the third in Arabia.
10. The returning of the Arabs to the worfhip o f Allât and al
Uzza, and the red of their ancient idols ; after the deceafe of every
one in whofe heart there was faith equal to a grain of mudard feed,
none but the very word of men being left alive. For G od, they fay,
will fend a cold odoriferous wind, blowing from Syria Damafcena,
which {hall fweep away the fouls of all the faithful, and the Korân
itfelf, fo that men will remain in the groffed ignorance for an hundred
11. The difcovery of a vad heap of gold and diver by the retreating
of the Euphrates, which will be the dedrudiion of many.
1 Al Thalabi, in Kor. c. 4. * See IJa'tab xi. 6, & c . 3 Chap. 18, and 21. 4 See Ezek. xxxix. 9.
■ Revel. xx. 8. } See Koran, c. 44, and the notes thereon. Compare ajfo J o e l ii. 30, and R ev el, ix. 2.