A T A B L E, ftfc.
Mohammed gains Tome profelytes of the genii
by reading the Koran . P* 4°8 ll*
— —. fent as a mercy to all creatures 273
------the illiterate prophet g *33
___ .excufes his'i'nability to work miracles i iq ,
__— his promHe to thofe who fly for religion
329 .n-
1 ■ - accufed of injuftice in dividing the Ipoils
54« 156
* ---- - flies to Medina 155
- — - foretels the vidlory at Bedr 430 n.
------an account of that viftory. 36, 13,9, &c.
___ lofes the battle of Ohod, where he is in
danger of his life . . 5^
— _reported to be flain Jj ;52 ” -
, -- iayS the fault on his men for difobeyipg his
orders . .....5-3
— — endeavours to quiet their murmurs for that
misfortune ^2, Sec.
— goes to meet the Koreijb rt-Bedr according
to their challenge • 5^ n‘
_— foretels the battle of the ditch 344
__— the fear of his men at that battle ibid.
----- - his men fwear -fidelity to him at al Hodeibiya
Mohammed reprehended for a rafh judgment p.74
___not allowed to pray for reprobate idolaters
~ his generofity .
.. ' . makes a truce with the Koreijh for ten
years : WM?
— his courage at the battle of Honein 141 n.
*— expoftulates with his followers on their unwillingnefs
to go on the expedition to fabuc
15-5, &c.
— _fome account of that expedition 125 m
, ..--a confpiracy.to kill him 158 n. 361 n.
___ another attempt on his life, from which he
is miraculoufly preferved 84 n.
___ is almoft prevailed on by the Jews to go
into Syia M 234 0.
_,— reproves the hypocritical Mojlems 70
___ his mercy to the difobedient 54
_____ his wives demand! a better allowance, on
which he offers them a divorce 345
they chufe to flay with him, and he lays
down fome rules for their behaviour ib. 346
__the Jews reproach, him on account of the
number of hfs wives' 20411.
- his privileges in that and fome other refpefts
| , , 348» ^c*
—— his divorced wives or widows not to marry
again ■ t 35°
— i—-his amour with Mary, an Egyptian Have
456, Sec.
— —difputes in a JewlJh fynagogue 37 n>
— decides a controverfy in favour of a Jew
again ft a Mohammedan ■: 69 n.
_— utters blafphemy through inadvertence
T . L 279 »•
_____ no revelation vonchfafed him for feveral
days ( 241,4940.
— — injoined to admonilh his people 425
his near relation to the believers . .342
— — demands refpcft and obedience from them
296, 442
------challenges his opponents to produced chapter
like the Koran ' 3
.----- - put out of conceit with honey 45:5
------defires nothing for his pains in preaching
------acknowledges,.himfelf a finner . 411
---- -commanded to pray by night 469
refufes the adoration of, two Jewss 46 n.
___refufes to eat with an infidel ' 298 n.
------prophefies the-defeat of the Per fans by
the Romans* . . . 33.°
----- reprehends his companions impatience ,3 25
, and their imitating the Chrifians 94
------fpeaks by re relation . 426
■---- - his dreah^rat Bedr ■ >144
----- his dream at Medina'a ,/ . . - 4^°
.__ his do&rine compared with that of the
other prophets , __ $00
----- . is terrified at the approach of Gabriel 471
— — is reprehended for his neglett of a poor
blind man 481
«—— demolifhes the.idols of Mecca 1 - , 235
■■ - — warned to prepare for death....... - 506
Mohammedans believe in all the fcriptures and
prophets, withoutniiftindlion 16, 17
___. forbidden td hold friendlhip with infidels
50, 89
.----- the hypocritical threatned 166
—.— the lukewarm deceive their own fouls 41.2
■ . tlie fincere, their reward, 321
their deicription 416
Mofeiiama, the falfe prophet 90 n.
Mofes, his ftory 128, &c.t2£6, Sec. 302, &c.
317, Sec.
___his miraculous prefervation in his infancy
257, &c.
1 the impediment in his fpeech, how occa-
; fiened & # 257,n.
___ kills an Egyptian, and flies into Midi an
______ is entertained by Shoatb. • , 3 l 9
__— receives his rod from him ibid. n.
------fees the fire in the buffi 3-Q9
— — is fent to Pharaoh, and receives the power
of working miracles 236
A T A B L E , & c.
Mofes, his tranfa&ions in Egypt p. 128, Sec.
173, &c.
.___.brings water from the rock 7, 8, 134 n*
___ cleared from an unjult alperfion by a ftone’s
running away with his cloaths 35 &,!*■
___ treats with Sod, and receives the tables of
the law from him 6, 131
— breaks the tables, and is wroth with Aaron,
on account of the golden calf 133
- - — threatens the people ibid.
___ part of his law rehearfed 115
j------reproved for his vanity 244 n.
_—. his expedition in fearch of al Khedr ibid.
----- his 2nd Aaron's relics in the ark 29
------his law now corrupted - - 37 ,n.
Mojlems, V. Mohammedans
Murder, laws concerning it 21, 72, 86,230, 280
Mufulman, whence the word comes 16 n.
Myfteries, how exprelled in Arabic .2 n.
TWT A D IR (the tribe of); expelled Arabia
Al l N 443 n-
Nebuchadnezzar takes Jerufalem 227, 228 n.
Night, part of it to be /pent in prayer 470
Nimrod, difputes with Abraham 31
_____ his tower 2.16 n.
— attempts to afcend to heaven 269 n.
— — his perfecution of Abraham, and his punifh-
. rment ibid. 270
Noah, his ftory 122, Sec. 177, Sec. 305, 326,
466, &c.
— — his prayer 47 6» 429
— — his wife’s infidelity 457
A l Nodar, one of Mohammed's adverfaries, his
opinion of. the Koran 101 n.
j—— introduces a Perjian Romance as preferable
to it ' 335 n.
OA T H , an lnconfiderate one, how to be
expiated 94
------an extraordinary one 489
Oaths, cautions concerning them / 26
■—— not to be violated 222
Qbba Ebn Khalf difputes againft the refurredtion
215 n.
........his wager with Abu Beer 330 n.
—■— is wounded by Mohammed 298 n.
Oda Ebn Kais, an enemy of Mohammed 214
Offerings to God recommended 277
------a large one made by Mohammed ' ibid.
Og, fables concerning him 85
Ohod, the battle fought th$re 50, n. 53
Okail (Abu) his charity p. 159 n.
Qkba Ebn Abi Moait, profefles JJlam and apofta-
tizes 298 n.
— publickly abufes Mohammed ibid.
------taken and beheaded at Bedr ibid.
Olive trees, grow at mount Sinai 282
Olivet (mount,) Chrijl taken thence by a whirlwind
43 n.
Omar, his deciding a difpute between a Jew and
a Mohammedan 69
------compared to Noah, 147 n.
Omm Salma, one of Mohammed's wives 242 n.
Omeyya Ebn Abi'lfalt 13 6 n.
Opprobrious language forbidden 418
Orph.ins, not to be injured 60, 494
------a curfe on thofe who defraud' them 25
------to be inftrudled in religion 6i
Ollrich’s egg, a fine woman’s skin compared to
it 367
Othman Ebn Ajfdn, fent by Mohammed to the
Koreijh, is imprifoned 414 n;
— ^— contributes largely to the expedition of
Tabuc • 159 n.
Othman Ebn Matun, his converfion occafioned
by a paflage o f the Koran 222 n;
Othman Ebn Telha, has the keys of the Caaba
returned to him by Mohammed 68 n.
— — embraces Mohammedifm ibid.
Oven, whence the firft waters of the deluge
poured forth 41, 178 n.
Ozair, V. Ezra
PARABLES 32, 207, 220, 242, 292, 373
Paraclete, the Mohammedan opinion concerning
the perfon thereby meant 449 n;
Paradife, deferibed 204, 410, 433, Sec.
— — where iituate 5 n;
———its fruits 4
— ' ■ ■ ■ the portion of the diftrefled 24
Pardon, will be granted to the penitent 150
Parents, to be honoured 229“, 407
— make their children infidels 333
Patience, recommended 59, 386
•----- -the fign of a true believer 163-* 391, 409
Patriarchs before Mofes, neither Jews nor
Chrijiians 17
Peri, with which God’s decrees are written 460
Penitent, their reward 164
Pentateuch, V. Law
Perfecutors, their fentence 486
Per fans, overcome by the Greeks 331 n.
Peter (St.) his ftratagem to convert thofe of Antioch
362 n.
Pharaoh, his ftory 128,&c. 172,&c-316,&c.385