
4 7 6 ^ A l K O R A N . C h a p . 76.
couches i they lhall fee therein neither fun nor moon* ; and the fhades-
thereof /hall be near fpreadifig above them, and the fruits thereof fhall hang
low, fo as to be eafily gathered. And their, attendants (hall go round about
unto them, with veffels o f filver, and goblets: the bottles fhall be bottles
o f filver fhining like glafs they lhall determine the meafure thereof by their
wijh. And therein fhall they be given to drink o f a cup of wine, mixed
with the water of ZENjEBii-b, a fountain in paradife named Salsabil c :
and youths, which fhall continue for ever in their bloom, fhall go round to.
attend them s when thou feeft them, thou fhalt think them to be fcattered
pearls : and when thou lookeft, there fhalt thou bdiold delights* and a great
kingdom. Upon them fhall be garments o f fine green filk, and o f bcocades,
and they fhall be adorned with bracelets" o f filver: and their L ord fnall
give them to drink o f a moft pure liquor s and. fhall fay unto them, Verily-
this is your reward : and your endeavour is gratefully accepted. Verily we
have fent down unto thee the K o r a n , by a gradual revelation. Wherefore
patiently wait the judgment o f thy L ord ; and obey not any wicked per-
fon or unbeliever among them. And commemorate the name o f thy L o r d ,.
in the morning, and in the evening : and during fame part o f the night wor-
fhip him, and praife him a long part of the night. Verily thefe men love
the tranfitory life, and leave behind them the heavy day of judgment. We
have created them, and have ftrengthened their joints ; and when we pleafe,
we will fubftitute others like unto them, in their Head. Verily this is an admonition
: and whofo willeth, taketh the way unto his L ord : but ye fhall not
will, unlefs G o d willeth s for G od is knowing, and wife. He leadeth whom,
he pleafeth into his mercy : but for the unjuft hath he prepared a grievous,
they chofe to let him have it, and palled that properly- fignifies- extream c o ld for .which rea-
nisht as the firft: and the third day they like- ton fomeunderftand the meaning of the paffage.
■ wife gave their whole provifion to a famiihed to be, that in paradife there lhall be felt no exceptive,
Upon this occafion Gabriel defcended cefs either of beat, or of cold.
with the chapter before us, and told Mohammed. 1 Zenjebil; j The word fignifies ginger, which,
that G od congratulated him on the virtues of the Arabs delight to mix with.the water they,
ljis family J. drink; and therefore the water of this fountain^
» Theylhall fee therein neither fun nor morn-, ] is fuppofed to have the tafte of that fpice3.
Becaufe they lhall not need the light of either % ‘ Salfabil jjj Signifies water-which flows gente
The word Zamharlr, here tranflated mm, ly and pleafantly down the throat.
* Idem. * See Revel, xzi. 23. _ 3 AlBeidawj, J a ttai..
C h a p *. 7 7 . A l K O R A N . 477
Infilled, Thofe. which are fent; revealed at M e c c a *
In the name of the moft merciful G od.
B Y the angels which are fent by Goi>, following one another in a contr-
nual feries; and thofe which move fwiftly, with, a rapid motion ; and by
thofe which difperfe his commands, by divulging them through the earth-, and
by thofe which fep'arate truth from faljhood, by diftinguifhing the fame -, and
by thofe which communicate the divine admonitions, to excufe, or to threatena:
verily that which ye are promifed b is inevitable. When the ftars, therefore^
fhall be put out, and when the heaven fhall be cloven in funder, and when the
mountains fhall be winnowed, and when the apoftles fhall have a time af-
figned them to appear and bear feftimony againft their refpeftive people -, to-
what a day fhall that appointment be deferred! to the day offeparation : and what
fhall caufe thee to. underftand what the day of reparation is ? On that day,,
wo be unto them who accufed the prophets of impofture 1 Have we-
not deftroyed the obftinate unbelievers of old?. We will alfo caufe thofe
©f the latter times tci follow them. Thus do'we deal with the wicked. Wo be,
on that day, unto them whoaceufed the prophets of impofture! Have we
not created you of a contemptible drop of feed, which we placed in a fure re-
pofitory, until the fixed term of delivery ? And we were able to do this :
for we are moft powerful.. On that day, wo be unto thofe who accufed the-
prophets of impofture! Have we not made the earth to contain the living
and the dead, and placed therein ftable and lofty mountains, and given you
frelh water to drink ? Wo be, on that day, unto thofe who accufed
the prophets of impofture ! It fhall be faid unto them, Go. ye to the pmnifh-
ment which ye denied as a falfhood: go ye into the fhadow ofthe fmoke of hell,
which fhall afcend in three columns, apd fhall not fhade you from the heat, neither
fhall it be of fervice" againft the flame ; but it fhall call forth fparks&i big
as towers, refembling yellow camels in colourc. Wo be, on that-day, unto,
a By the angels which are fent, Scc. ] Some
underftand the whole pafiage of the v erf es of
the Koran î which continued to be fent down,
parcel after parcel, during the fpace of feveral
yeai-s, and which refcind { for fo the verb afafa-
may alfo be tranflated ). and abolilh all former
difpenfations, divulging and making known the
ways of falvation, diflinguijbing truth from
falfhood, and communicating admonition, Scc.
Some interpret the firft three verfes o f the winds,
fent in a continual fucceffson, blowing with a vialent
gujl, and difperjing- ralii over the earth :
and others give'different explications.
b That which ye are promifed ;1 Viz. The day
of judgment.
c Refembling yellow camels -, j ' Being o f a fiery
colour; Others, however, fuppofe thefe lparks
will be of a dully hue, "like that of black camels,
which always inclines a- little to the yellow ;;
the word tranflated yellow, fignifying fomethnes
black. Some copies, by the variation of a
vowel, have cable's, inflead of camels.
i i